Archangel Raphael
Prayer Request
Known As The Angel Of Healing, The Divine Healer, The Remedy Of God.
Post In Your Prayer Request Today And Let Your Guardian Angel Protect You And Your Loved Ones.
Pray For Your Loved Ones
This prayer request is meant for anyone who wishes their prayers to be heard by Archangel Raphael. Receive blessing and protection for you and your loved ones when you send in your prayer today!
The world is a dangerous place. When you leave the comforts of your home, there is no telling what may happen to you or your child.The good news is that we are not alone.
For parent, it is easy to forget that our children have guardian angels and that we can pray to them (Through the mediation of our own guardian angel) and invoke their powerful protection over our children. When we can’t physically be there with out children to protect them, it is most appropriate to pray to their guardian angel for help.
Children enjoy imagining invisible friends when they are playing, but they actually do have invisible friends in the form of a real guardian angel.
Post in your prayer request to your archangel and invoke the blessing and protection upon your children or grandchildren today.
Let your guardian angel protect and bless your loved ones.
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