In addition to the other devotional icons, the Holy Protection icon is also a popular icon in the Orthodox church. As the patroness of all Christians, the most holy virgin Mary is also a protector and a defender of Christians. The Virgin Mary’s protection is often commemorated through an icon of the Holy. Many Russian, Greek, and Eastern Christian communities revere the image of the Holy and adore it. This icon is not the same as the one of the Theotokos, which is more common among Christians.
The protection of the Theotokos is also known as the Intercession of the Theotokos, the Veil of Our Lady, and the Protecting Veil. The most common translation for the name of this icon is ‘Holy Protection.’ The image in the Western tradition is of the Virgin of Mercy, who is shown spreading her cloak to shelter kneeling supplicants. The image was first depicted in 1280.
The monastics of Holy Protection Monastery are constantly practicing Jesus prayer. Elder Ephraim, who taught the monastics the Jesus prayer, developed this practice and became a beloved teacher of the practice. He spent his first years of monastic life in close proximity to Elder Joseph the Hesychast, and he learned how to say the Jesus prayer from Elder Joseph. This monastic tradition reflects the spirit of the Orthodox Church and is important for its growth in the United States.
The holy protection monastics are constantly praying. Their daily prayers are a constant companion. By chanting the Jesus prayer, they try to keep their attention on Jesus. Hesychast Elder Joseph taught Elder Ephraim how to pray the Jesus prayer in the monastic life. He also helped Elder Ephraim grows as a monastic. This tradition continues today, but the celebration of the holy protection and the feast of OXI was added to the list of Orthodox holidays.
In addition to the Russian Orthodox Church, the Holy Protection Church is located in North Wales. It celebrates worship in English, Greek, and Church Slavonic, which were originally the native language of the people in that region. It is now affiliated with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Western Europe. Until the year 936, the Catholic Holy Protection icon was a very popular icon in the Eastern Rite. During the siege, the Virgin Mary appeared to the population of Constantinople to protect them under a veil.
The holy protection feast was originally celebrated on October 1, 626 A.D. when the Theotokos saved Constantinople from the Avars. The celebration of this feast was originally celebrated by all Orthodox Christians on October 1, but in recent years, it was made a dual celebration with the feast of OXI. In this way, the Church of Greece has a unified feast of the two devotional days. However, the celebration of the Holy Protection and OXI in the Orthodox Church is much more meaningful.
The celebration of the Holy Protection is a very special celebration in the Orthodox Church. The Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, is said to protect people from harm. It is the lamp of God’s loving and kindness. And the protection of the Virgin Mary is a very powerful devotion. Therefore, you are not alone if you pray to her and ask her blessings. You will never feel alone. And her presence in the Holy Protection is the source of strength.
Besides the monks’ religious beliefs, they also worship the Theotokos. Theotokos is the Mother of God, whose protection is the key to the Christian faith. Theotokos is the patron of all Orthodox Christians. She is the patron of the Orthodox Church. It is the protector of believers and the protector of those who are under attack. As an example, the Holy Protection Monastery is also associated with the Archangel Michael Monastery on the island of Thasos.
The Holy Protection Monastery is associated with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Diocese of Pittsburgh. It is a member of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and confesses the Nicene Creed. It is also a member of the Eastern Rite Church. The ecclesiastical authority of Holy Protection Monastery is under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople.