Your Lords Message For Today

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.

Gambling is a form of activity one partakes in the hopes of gaining something in return. People often take part in gambling in order to win money and other material pleasures. Some may even risk larger amounts of their possessions for the sake of getting rich quickly. 

As accessible as it may seem, Christians aren't encouraged to engage in this activity, for the reason that it does not coincide with God's commands. 

Anyone who practices gambling could just have one intention—to acquire quick money and wealth. Even if you ought to use the money for good reasons, if the source of that fortune is obtained through selfishness and greed for money, it will not be counted as a righteous act. 

Desire to be Spiritually Rich

Before you put yourself into a situation where you can be blinded by money, move yourself away from the things that allow you to sin. Always aim for spiritual blessings and exclude yourself from activities that take you away from godly deeds. 1 Timothy 6:9-10 states, "But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."

Gambling is not evil but it is not righteous as well. Once you desire to own someone else's possession, that's already wrongful and must not be taken part by someone who desires to follow God. Richness in wealth won't save your soul from your sins. If there's anything you should gamble into, it should be with God, in exchange for eternal life and happiness. 

Work Hard to Achieve Greater Things 

It is given that most people would easily submit to easy money and take the shortcut to richness. They believe fortune will solve all their problems and live a happy life. As a Christian believer, the only way to live is to fulfillment is with God enjoying His kingdom in heaven with the rewards He has for you from your good deeds on earth. As much as possible, stay away from activities and situations that may tempt you to partake into something unrighteous. 

Proverbs 13:11 declares, "Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow." God blesses those who work hard to earn and grow their own money over those who exercise quick fortune. Anything that is obtained out of deceit or gamble will not last for a lifetime. If your riches are already blurring you today, you will only crave for more in the future and gamble higher quantities. Instead of using your money through gambling, use it in providing for your family and in helping other people who need it. 

Find Contentment with God's Blessings 

Hebrews 13:5 declares, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." One reason why it's hard to resist quick riches schemes is because of the need to survive from the scarcity of life. Others would hold the fangs of immorality just to overcome poverty and comfort depravity. They believe money will elevate their life and remove their problems, but the truth is only God can do it. 

If you want to live a life that will open the gates of heaven for you, only do the things that are in accordance with God's commands. Problem with other people is they are so caught up in the moment and feel like the only important thing is fame, fortune, and success. If you were to look at it deeply, true happiness can only be achieved if you walk with God and praise His name. In times of need, He will be there for His faithful disciples. If you are already content with what He has given you right now, you will be given more when the perfect time comes. 

Today Tip of the Day

Walk with God and you will realize that you don't really need too much here on earth for other people to impress. The only one you should prepare yourself for is Him and no one else. Live under your means and enjoy the graces He has given you, instead of gambling into nonsense things that only wastes your money or rots your soul. Remember, with God you will never have to suffer for the lack of money and resources, we He will be the one to provide for you. With God, you will never have to risk and do unrighteous things for He will be the one to make you feel comforted and contented. Choose your ally and let it be Him. 


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