Your Lords Message For Today

The hospitality ministry is calling you

The hospitality ministry is calling you

Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? Isaiah 58:7, KJV

Hospitality Ministry is a spiritual grace from God that transforms strangers into friends. To be in the hospitality ministry, you need friendly and warm faces each Sunday that make people feel welcome. Through this service, we show Christ’s love to others. The ministry will also help to coordinate with other ministries during services. In the verse above, we see that God wants us to share food with the hungry and to provide shelter for homeless, oppressed people. 

When we see someone naked, we give clothes to them! 

Hospitality is both a gift and our duty from God! To be able to join the ministry, you will need at least three spiritual gifts. First of all, it is showing mercy by identifying with and comforting those in need. Offer them hosting, food, clothes, etc. Second of all, you will need the gift of serving by providing practical help both physically and spiritually ( See verses Romans 12:7-8; and 1 Corinthians 12:28). And finally, you need the gift of administration. You would be organizing, administering, promoting, and leading.

Besides spiritual gifts, you need the right personality. It doesn't matter if you are an extrovert and or introvert, but if you have the heart to serve and a big smile, you are the right person for the job!

If you are good at organizing, then that's a plus. Excitement and passion to show joy and love for Christ are other pluses. 

Give for the right reason

God's greatest commandment is to love. First to love God and then to love others. To love everyone equally is a true sign of our love for God. Hospitality is known as hosting and welcoming guests or visitors. It is a genuine way to show our love to anyone who comes to the church! Jesus shows us in Matthew 25:40 that whatever we do for the least of people, we do for him. 

One of the other reasons why hospitality ministry is very important is the history of the Jewish people. We haven't forgotten our former immigrant status. In Exodus 23:9, God reminded Israel, “You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.” Jews were foreigners and slaves in Egypt. It was Moses who led them to the Promise Land. Ephesians 2:11-13 reminds you, Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh… were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel. 

Another example of the importance of hospitality is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. In addition to the many sins that people have in these two cities, another is mentioned, the sin of hostility. However, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is referenced in other parts of the Bible, for example in the prophet Ezekiel, who claims that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, for which God destroyed them, is not homosexuality or sexual depravity but inhospitality towards strangers (Abraham and the angels). Loth was a just man who offered a hosting to the angels of God even though he didn't know they were angels. And when we read this story in Genesis, we see that Abraham was a righteous man because he too offered a hosting to the angels of God. 

Hospitality in your community 

Many modern churches can be transformed spiritually by opening their doors to the Lord, who comes as a Stranger, as we read in Matthew 25:35. Another example of providing hosting and food for those in need is in the Samaritans exclaimed in John 4:42. Hospitality is the Biblical basis for outreach among people. It is not simply another form of mission; it is God’s call to all Christians. If there is no hospitality ministry in your community, maybe God wants you to start it. Hosting a special event or a special person in your church is a way to expand your community. 

The Bible is full of examples of hospitality! However, I will share with you my personal experience. A long time ago, the Lord called me to move to China. To be honest, it was me who wanted to move there and share the Gospel, and God listened to my prayers. When I moved there, I knew no one. It was difficult to start a new life in a foreign country without knowing the language. However, once I connected to SCF (Shanghai Community Fellowship), their hospitality team welcomed me, and I felt the love of God. Soon enough, I made new friends, and a few of them offered me hosting. After a while, I even became part of the hospitality team. It was a blessing from God for me. I distributed clothes, food, money, welcomed people to church, and the like. I even shared my apartment with missionaries who were passing by. Providing hosting for them was such a rich experience. 

While reading this, you recognize yourself, then it is the right time to look for the nearest church and join the Ministry of Hospitality. Have you experienced God’s gracious welcome in Jesus Christ? Then show welcoming hospitality to others! May your first and each subsequent provision of hosting, food, and good word be blessed.


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